Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Christopher Columbus

People wanted to try get to India, but one stopped when he got to the tip of Africa because his sailors were afraid of what might be next.

When Christopher Columbus wanted to reach India, his plan was to go straight into the Atlantic Ocean, because someone said that the earth was round and if he could go around, he would bump into India's east side. He went to the Portuguese because they had tried hardest to get to India, but they laughed at him and told him the ocean was bigger than he thought.

Columbus went to some other kings but no one agreed to his idea. Finally he went to Ferdinand and Isabella. Ferdinand didn't think it was a very good idea, but Isabella thought that it was a great idea, and that Spain could become richer and richer and be the richest kingdom in the world. After the war they were having, she got him the supplies he needed. So he set off and he found a whole bunch of people that were crying because they were Jews and the law said that no Jews were allowed.

Bit by bit the men on ship started complaining, and some started getting sick and dying. Their gums started turning black. So they started planning to kill Christopher Columbus. Finally Columbus agreed that if there was no land in three days, they would go home. On the second day, somebody shouted "Land!" So they got off their ship and they reached some little islands. He brought out some things from Spain, but the people that lived on the island didn't bring him gold and stuff; they brought him reels of cotton, strange foods, bell peppers and parrots. He brought it back to Ferdinand and Isabella. Isabella thought it was worth it to try again. He hadn't found India; he had found North and South America. But Vasco de Gama did eventually manage to sail around Africa to India

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