Wednesday, May 16, 2007

The Incas

I'm going to narrate about the story the Incas told about their gods and how their civilization came to be.

The sun god would rise up and then go down into the sea and then go up again. But one day when he was down, he didn't like what he saw because people were living like wild animals. He told his wife he had a problem because the people were fighting and quarreling, and he wanted there to be peace. So they sent their son and daughter down with a golden staff to teach the people how to be civilized. They told them that wherever the staff leaped out of their hands and sank into the earth, that was where they were to build a city. the gods can only enter the earth through a door of still water, and they found the door in lake Titicaca. They went down and came up again, and taught people how to be civilized. The brother was carrying the golden staff, and suddenly it leaped from his hand, so they knew they had to build a city. That is how they explain how their city came to be and why they think the emperors are sons of the gods.

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