Tuesday, May 22, 2007

The Slave Trade

When Ferdinand and Isabella were paying for explorers to cross the Atlantic to the new World they weren't just doing them a favor. They did it for gold. When Columbus went there he claimed it for Spain. He said that they had to follow Spain's laws, and if anyone found gold there they could take it. They made villages there, and they took land away from the Incas and the Mayas, and the Aztecs. This began a sad time in history because they took people from African villages, and also took Incas, Aztecs, and Mayans when the Muslims didn't have enough slaves to sell. They were put on ships and taken to America. They weren't allowed to go up on deck, and they didn't get enough sunshine, air, water and food. Most of them died on the long and rough journey. When they reached land they were forced to work without pay.

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