Tuesday, May 8, 2007

The Mayans

There were people living in North and South America before Columbus came there. They started living there when the Roman Empire was just crumbling, and they had been there for hundreds of years. The people who came out to meet Columbus had scars, and they told him they were from fighting off their enemies. He wrote about it in his journal. They had other gods other than the one we worship. They thought that the gods were cross-eyed, and they thought that the emperors were descendants of the gods, so when an emperor's baby was born, his mother hung a toy between his eyes so the baby would have to cross his eyes to look at it.

All the Mayan games ended with bloodshed. The person that got the ball through the hoop twenty feet off the ground with his hips, knees, or elbows was declared the winner. The others were taken to the temple and their heads were cut off.

People started going away because they hated their emperors, because they were so mean. Their enemies kept on attacking them, and as they, left their empire began to crumble and the buildings disappeared into the jungle -- temples, houses, and palaces all disappeared.

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