Thursday, May 24, 2007

Cortes and Montezuma

There was a man named Cortes, and he wanted to get Tenochtitlan for himself, so he took a fleet of army soldiers down there. The Aztecs thought that the gods were coming, so they brought out gifts of gold. Cortes told his men to keep riding, and they went into the city. The king dreamed that the gods were coming so he finally decided to let them into the city. They had a big party, and they were selling things. Finally Cortes killed several of the Aztecs, and the Aztecs thought, "The gods wouldn't behave this!" So they armed themselves and started fighting. The Spanish quickly his in the castle. Now they were besieged by enemy soldiers, so they waited there for days and days. Finally one of them looked down out of the window, and saw that there were no enemy soldiers. So they went out and found some wood because there was no bridge across the moat. Now the enemy had a plan, but they didn't know it. They built a bridge across and they started filing across. On the way across, they had their pockets so loaded with gold from the city that when the enemy canoes came up, they couldn't get away and some of them were drowned. Only Cortes and some of his best soldiers got away. They got in their ships and sailed away and got more soldiers. They went back and fought and fought and fought. Finally, the enemy was forced to surrender, so the soldiers and Cortes marched into the city. now Cortes was the ruler of the new Spanish kingdom.

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