Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Akbar of India

When Babur the Tiger's son Hamayan came home, he slipped on the steps of his library, hit his head, and died. His son Akbar was crowned emperor. He wanted to be a good emperor, so though he was a Muslim he let Hindu worship continue. He was so good that people wrote stories about him. Here is one of those stories:

The emperor was in his palace, and there was a man named Gulshan, and people said he always brought bad luck. Whenever the eggs rotted, the cook shouted, "Gulshan must have been here! He always brings bad luck!" And whenever the bread burned, the baker said, "Gulshan must have been here, because he's bad luck!" And whenever it rained on a feast day, everybody blamed Gulshan.

Akbar said that Gulshan should bring him his breakfast the next day. Gulshan was horrified, but when he got up, he went and got ready and brought the emperor's breakfast. While the emperor was eating breakfast, there was a hair in his bread. He said, "Well, I've gotten hair in my bread before." Then a sand fly bit him, but he said, "I've been bitten by flies before." But the he really started having some bad luck, and he said that Gulshan really was bad luck and that he had to be hanged.

While Gulshan was in prison, Birbal came and said he would speak for him. He told the emperor, "He causes bad luck but you made him get hanged. Which one of you is having worse luck?" The emperor laughed and said that he could go free, but he had to find another house to serve in!

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